panchakarma treatment

Ayurveda is the science of healthy living. But ayurveda has various parts and here we are going to talk about one of its integral parts which is Panchakarma Treatment.

This therapy helps us to achieve a balanced state of mind, body and consciousness. With this post we will discuss common misconceptions about panchakarma treatment and figure out how true they are.

But before heading forward, let’s have a quick introduction about Panchakarma Treatment and it’s Principles.

What is Panchakarma Treatment?

Ayurveda believes that firstly you need to get rid of all the toxins from your body.  The cleansing process of the body helps to remove every toxin. And, Panchkarma has 5 beneficial therapies which helps to relax and rejuvenate your body and soul from inside out.

Basic Principles of Panchakarma:

There are two basic principles of Panchakarma Treatment, let us have a look at them:

Oleation: Although you must have got an idea about this panchakarma therapy from it’s name, it’s a process where the practitioners apply oil on your body to remove toxins from your body. In the process of oleation you will find a variety of oils prepared from herbs and minerals. Also, ghee is another major remedy used for this activity.

Oil and ghee contains fatty substances that reach deeper tissues and help the ayurvedic practitioners in carrying the medicines to every cell of your body.

It will help to diminish all the toxins from body and cells.

Fomentation: Here is the second principle of Panchakarma with the help of which our body generates sweat. This oleation process will soften the tissues and promotes sweating to remove toxins of the body.

These were the two basic principles of Panchakarma Treatment. In the coming section we are going to talk about the application processes of these two principles.

Application of Principles by Panchakarma Hospitals:

panchakarma hospital

Panchakarma Hospitals take advantage of a number of application methods, to use the oleation and fermentation methods. Let us have a look at those methods one by one:

  1. The first application method is abhyanga which is considered as a body massage which is done through herbs and mineral oils. No matter if the patient wants to move forward with a full body massage or just for a specific body part with abhyanga both of the cases are possible. With the help of this method, lubrication of the body will get increased.
  2. The next application method is called Shirodhara which is helpful for ailments linked with the head region. Under this process the practitioner will put a stream of warm oil on your forehead at a specific speed and this process takes place for 30-60 minutes. Right after this process you would be able to notice drastic changes in the ailments you were facing around your head region.
  3. The third application method from the list is Potli massage. The practitioner will dip the potlis in warm oil for a few minutes and it will used for massaging your body.
  4. Potli massage is that you would be able to get rid of pain, stress and many more such benefits.
  5. Lastly, here we have the next application method of panchakarma treatment which is Pizhichil. If you are facing joint or muscular pains then this treatment method is surely going to work.

Under this method your body will get steam of the lukewarm oil with a soft massage. Also, the massage will be use rhythmic hand movements for relaxation.

Common Misconceptions About Panchakarma Treatment:

Most of the people believe that Panchakarma treatment is spiritual. Similarly, the origin of these treatment methods is from the vedas. It does not talk about any religion. Moreover, all the treatment methods of Panchakarma treatment are choosen from modern medicines.

Similarly, the next misconception about panchakarma treatment is that they ask you to strictly opt for a vegetarian diet. But this is not the case, moreover in some cases ayurveda suggests you to opt for meat and milk products.

People think that ayurveda only treats with herbs. But this is not the case, practitioners use oils, fruit juices and many more such things other than just herbs for treatments.


Therefore, panchakarma Treatment is a perfect treatment method when you want to build a balance between your mind and body. Thus, HIIMS is the perfect Panchakarma Hospital that can help you build that balance.

Category:  Blog
Author:  Hiims

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