7 Signs Of Fatty Liver On Your Skin You Must Not Ignore

The liver is the largest internal organ of the human body, located on the upper-right side of the abdomen. The primary functions of the liver are to eliminate toxins and process food nutrients. Blood is filtered from the digestive system through the liver before going anywhere else in the body.

FLD stands for fatty liver disease also known as steatosis is defined as the presence of extra fat in the liver. It is normal for the liver to contain some fat, however, if fat accumulates in the liver cells, and accounts for more than 10% of the liver’s weight, then you have a fatty liver problem and you may develop more serious complications. This situation can range from simple steatosis (fatty liver) to more severe forms, like non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, which can lead to liver failure.

FLD leads to inflammation, liver damage, and other health problems if not managed properly. Most of the time, there are no symptoms, but a buildup of fat makes it difficult for your liver to function promptly. So, it is important to understand its causes and symptoms to start “fatty liver disease treatment” on time.

Causes of fatty liver disease

There are several causes of fatty liver disease. Therefore, understanding the factors that affect the liver can help in prevention and management. Here are some common causes of fatty liver disease, which are given below –

1. Obesity

Obesity is one of the major causes of fatty liver disease. Extra body fat around the belly might lead to fat build-up in the liver. Obesity often results in insulin resistance, which exacerbates fat accumulation.

2. Insulin Resistance

When the body’s cells fail to respond adequately to insulin, insulin resistance occurs. This disorder is commonly associated with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome and can cause increased fat storage in the liver.

3. High Blood Sugar

High blood sugar problems are common in individuals with diabetes, leading to excess fat deposits in the liver. The inability of the liver to effectively digest sugars can lead to fatty liver disease.

4. High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat or lipid that your body needs to work properly. If the cholesterol level is too High in the blood, it contributes to fat buildup in the liver and also leads to an increase in the chance of getting heart disease, stroke, and other problems.

5. Poor Diet

Saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods are the primary contributors to fatty liver disease. Consuming more calories can lead to fat deposition in the liver.

6. Alcohol Consumption

Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause alcoholic fatty liver disease, leading to inflammation and potential liver damage. 

For those dealing with this condition, exploring fatty liver disease treatment options is crucial for managing and reversing the effects of the disease.

Symptoms of fatty liver

Symptoms of Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease often does not have noticeable symptoms, especially in the early stages. More commonly, individuals notice symptoms once fatty liver disease has progressed to liver cirrhosis. When cirrhosis develops, they may experience:

  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Yellowish skin (jaundice).
  • Swelling in your abdomen (ascites)
  • Swelling in your legs, and feet (edema).

Recognizing these symptoms is vital for early diagnosis and effective fatty liver disease treatment.

7 Signs Of Fatty Liver On Your Skin You Must Not Ignore

Although FLD can cause unexpected skin problems, Fatty liver disease is normally silent in its early stages. While these skin disorders may be a warning sign of potential liver disease. In this blog, we have made a list of 7 Signs Of Fatty Liver On Your Skin You Must Not Ignore:

1. Jaundice: A Yellow Alert

Jaundice is an obvious symptom of liver disease. It appears as a yellowish tint on the skin and whites of the eyes. Jaundice occurs when the liver fails to process bilirubin, a substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. In fatty liver disease, the ability of the liver to handle bilirubin can be impaired owing to inflammation or injury. Jaundice is caused by high levels of bilirubin in the blood.

Therefore, If you experience jaundice, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider immediately. Jaundice may signify significant liver dysfunction. Seeking treatment at the best Ayurvedic hospital for liver diseases can provide a thorough evaluation and tailored customized treatment plan to support liver health and reduce jaundice.

2. Itchy Skin

Dry, itchy skin is one of the common symptoms of liver disease. When the liver fails to detoxify the body and is unable to regulate hormones to operate properly, it can lead to skin dryness and irritation. 

To reduce this symptom, stay hydrated. Moreover, incorporating a fatty liver diet plan that supports liver function, as well as natural remedies for fatty liver, can help improve skin condition.

3. Spider Angiomas: Tiny Red Veins

Spider angiomas are small, red, spider-like blood vessels that form on the skin including the face, and neck. Their presence can sometimes indicate liver disease, including fatty liver. The liver’s impaired ability to process hormones can cause these vascular modifications.

Did you know fatty liver facts

4. Palm Erythema: Red Palms

Redness on your palms, especially if there is no obvious cause,  can be a sign of liver problems. This symptom called palm erythema, is associated with high levels of oestrogen, which can occur with liver disease. This redness is usually linked to changes in blood flow. The inability of the liver to metabolize some specific substances can cause changes in blood circulation, resulting in palmar erythema.

5. Dark Patches (Acanthosis Nigricans)

Acanthosis nigricans appear as dark patches on the skin, commonly found on the neck, and armpits. This symptom can be connected with insulin resistance, which is common in those people with fatty liver disease. Insulin resistance can lead to increased skin pigmentation in specific areas, due to hormonal and metabolic changes affecting skin cells.

Thus, a fatty liver diet plan and regular exercise can help improve acanthosis and Manage insulin resistance. Consulting a healthcare provider for a customized treatment plan and exploring natural remedies for the fatty liver may also be beneficial.

6. Skin Rashes and Eruptions

Continuous skin rashes and bruising can be caused by liver disease. The liver generates blood-clotting components, and decreased function can cause an increased tendency to bruise and develop rashes. This condition happens because the liver is not functioning properly, it may not produce adequate clotting factors, leading to easy bruising and skin rashes.

7. Unexplained Fatigue and Weakness

Even though they are not skin symptoms directly, extreme weakness and exhaustion can affect overall health and lead to some skin problems related to fatty liver disease. When the liver becomes increasingly impaired., There may be an effect on our energy levels and body functions. Weakness and exhaustion may be indirect indicators of liver disease.

Seeking help – finding the fatty liver specialist near me?

If you are facing such kinds of symptoms, consulting a healthcare professional is vital. It is essential to address liver health through a balanced fatty liver diet plan, physical exercise, and consulting a healthcare practitioner to improve your general health and alleviate symptoms. Exploring natural remedies for fatty liver disease treatment can also enhance your liver function and mitigate these symptoms.

For those seeking specialized care, exploring a fatty liver specialist near me can help you find experts who understand the complications of liver diseases.

Watch this video to manage the fatty liver problem:

Ayurvedic Approaches to Liver Health

Ayurveda provides comprehensive treatments for supporting liver health and fatty liver disease. Incorporating Ayurvedic therapies including herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and Panchakarma, aim to restore liver function and maintain general health. Visiting the best Ayurvedic hospital for liver diseases can provide access to customized treatment plans that meet specific needs.

The best HiiMs Ayurvedic hospital for you to combat liver diseases. HiiMS hospitals offer a comprehensive approach with a combination of ancient wisdom and modern medical practices. The doctors and practitioners of HiiMs hospitals are well-experienced and qualified, offering customized fatty liver disease treatment plans for the patient’s health. 


These days, the lifestyles of individuals are changing at a rapid pace due to several reasons such as an inactive lifestyle, and eating unhealthy foods, which can lead to several health issues and even affect our liver with fatty liver disease. 

Recognizing 7 skin signs of fatty liver disease is important for early detection and effective management. Some symptoms such as jaundice, dry skin, spider angiomas, and red palms, offer valuable clues about liver health.

Also Read: 7 Ayurvedic Secrets for Liver Health and Prevent Failure


How does fatty liver disease affect the skin?

Fatty liver disease can lead to inflammation and liver damage over time. Skin symptoms can arise due to liver dysfunction.

What are the common skin symptoms of fatty liver disease?

There are some common skin symptoms such as jaundice, spider angiomas,  and hyperpigmentation. Other signs include itching, redness, and small red bumps.

What should you do if you notice these skin symptoms?

If you feel any skin symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. Early management of fatty liver disease can prevent further liver damage.

Can lifestyle changes help prevent fatty liver disease and its skin symptoms?

Yes, lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise,  and avoiding alcohol may also reduce associated skin symptoms.

Can Ayurvedic treatments help manage fatty liver disease and its skin symptoms?

Ayurvedic treatments like dietary changes, herbal supplements, and  Panchakarma support liver health and alleviate symptoms. Consulting with Ayurvedic experts provides customized treatment options.

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