Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment is regarded as a distinctive medical method of Ayurveda. It is used for purification (detoxification) and rejuvenation of the body. In addition, with the help of this therapy method, all the three physical doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are carried back to normal and expelled from the body. Furthermore, in Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment, different-different procedures are used to remove other chemicals and toxic substances from the body that contaminate the various organs and blood.
It is clear from its name (Panchakarma Therapies) that five types of special actions (Karma) take out the body’s impurities to prevent and treat diseases, and these five (therapies) karma are predominant in these processes, known as Panchakarma.’
As you know, the principle of Ayurveda is to cure the patient’s disease and maintain a person’s good health. Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment is best for fulfilling both these goals of Ayurveda.
Panchakarma- A Timeless Ayurvedic Healing Process!
Panchakarma therapy is a very important part of Ayurvedic treatment. There are five main karmas in this, but two prior karmas are also necessary before starting them. These are lubrication (Snehan) and sweating (Swedan). Thus, the actions which are performed before this Panchakarma therapy are called Purva Karma. Through these two different processes, the doshas prevailing in the body are made to be flushed out.
Two pre-procreations for Panchakarma:
1. Snehana: Lubrication is done on the body by massage (Abhyanga) or drinking aliphatic substances like oil. Snehana is also used as an immediate action in treating some diseases. Shirodhara, the main therapy of the Panchakarma system of medicine, is also considered under Snehana Karma.
2. Swedana: Swedana is a steam treatment of the Ayurveda, also known as steam therapy. In this treatment procedure, Sweat is induced by temperature, herbal mix, and devices. For example, by making the patient lie down or sit in a steam box, sedation is done in vapor sedation. A box fitted with an infrared lamp is used for dry sweating also.
Five main Karma of the Panchakarma.
Emetic therapy (Vaman)–
The process of removing the defects from the upward path, i.e., out of the mouth, is called Vaman. Vamana is considered to be the most important medical practice of Panchakarma Chikitsa. In this, anti-vomiting medicines are used. In Vamana karma, the main thing is to remove the Kapha dosha from the body.
Vaman is best for:- Cough, Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Anemia, Jaundice, Oral diseases, Tumors, fever, breathing problems, etc.
Vaman is not suitable for:- Physically feeble people, children, older people, pregnant women, heart patients, because they should not vomit.
Purgation therapy (Virechan)–
The removal of defects from the anus is called Virechana. Virechana flushes out the contaminants from the stomach, heart, and lungs, and pureblood circulation starts in the body. Virechana is said to be the primary therapy for pitta dosha.
Virechan is best for:- fever, vertical bleeding, Hemorrhoids, fissure, spleen defect, Indigestion diseases, Headache, piles, fistula, blood bile, etc.
Virechan is not suitable for:- Virechana should not be performed on weak, starving persons, children, pregnant women, etc.
Enema (Basti)-
In this process, the medicine is introduced into the body through the anus or urethra to treat the diseases. Vasti is the primary therapy for Vata diseases that balance and nurture Vata dosha. In addition, it helps bring toxins and waste matter out of the dhatus( body cells) and eliminates them.
Basti is best for:- Bladder & Kidney stones, Digestion Problems, Constipation, lack of semen or contamination of semen, diseases of the vaginal tract and reproductive system, etc.
Basti is not suitable for:- Vasti is not given to fragile people. Patients with cough and asthma or those who are vomiting are also not given vasti.
Inhalation therapy or Errhine (Nasya)–
The process of giving medicine or medicine to proven affections through nasal passages is called Nasya therapy. Nasya is said to be the best therapy of Panchakarma for all diseases of the head and throat.
This is best for:- Cold and cough, sinusitis, diseases of throat, nose, ear, heaviness & Headache of the head, teeth, epilepsy, etc.
Nasya is not suitable for:- Frail persons, delicate patients, patients with psychosis, people suffering from extreme sleep should not take this therapy.
Blood-letting (Raktmokshan)-
Raktamokshana is an efficacious blood purification therapy, in which treatment is mainly advised for Pitta dosha (fire body humor) and Rakta (blood tissue) imbalance and toxicity. In this, blood is taken out to get rid of diseases caused by the spoilage of blood, and it can be done in a particular area or for the whole body.
Raktmokshan is best for:- abscess, skin disease, swelling and irritation, skin redness, leprosy skin diseases, Facial freckles, etc.
Raktamokshan is not suitable for:- In some exceptional cases, especially people suffering from chronic disease, getting Raktamokshan therapy can be harmful.
HiiMS is the best Panchakarma Hospital where you can get various Panchakarma therapies to meet your bodily needs. In this Panchakarma Hospital, our certified and well-experienced doctors and team members provide the most adorable Panchakarma Therapies to make an individual’s life perfectly fit and healthy. In addition, Panchakarma Therapies are not only for physical issues but also advantageous for mental disorders. Therefore, Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment is considered the best therapy for all-around health problems.