Every organ of our body is important but we realize its value when it stops functioning properly. The same case is with the two beans-shaped organs, known as kidneys. It is a crucial organ that detoxifies the blood before it reaches other body parts.
But once it stops working, the excess waste may get accumulated or even flow into other body parts and the body may start looking at other crucial organs as well to deal with the trouble. This could be a sign of kidney failure for which the doctor would run a few tests.
Depending on how serious the problem is, the doctor may advise the dialysis treatment if there is still some scope for a kidney to work. However, if the kidneys are damaged fully, they may advise the kidney transplant process.
Talking about dialysis, this type of treatment is recommended when the kidney is at the last stage of failure. Listed are some facts about Dialysis that you need to know before jumping into the procedure.
1. Why do doctors suggest dialysis?
If either of the kidneys is working at least 20% but there still seems to be not much functional response to it, that is when the doctor suggests dialysis. It helps to remove salt, waste, and excess water so the body stays away from the toxin.
Kidneys also ensure that the chemicals in the blood are well maintained while controlling the blood pressure. These are the basic things for the smooth functioning of the body, making dialysis a mandatory option for kidney failure treatment.
2. You might need a small surgery before dialysis
Before starting with the hemodialysis treatment, your doctor would suggest a minor surgery that needs to be done either on the leg or arm for creating vascular access. That is where the blood gets removed and then again returned to the body.
If the peritoneal dialysis is advised, the doctors perform surgery since as need to put a catheter in the belly so the flow of the blood does not get disrupted. Find the best dialysis center near me to get the surgery done.
3. The types of dialysis
There are two major types of dialysis treatment. The first one is Hemodialysis in which there is an artificial kidney, also known as the hemodialyzer, is inserted in the patient’s body. It helps in removing the water and toxins from the blood. The doctor may have to perform a small surgery on the arm or leg for getting access to the vessels of the blood.
The other type is called the Peritoneal Dialysis in which the blood cleansing is done within the body. This means, there will be a small surgery that your doctor would do to put the plastic tube inside the belly and make some access. With this, the abdominal area would get filled with the fluid of the dialysate while the waste would be extracted from the blood.
4. The span of the treatment goes up to four hours
Since there are three treatments every week that are needed, you need to understand that it could be time taking. Peritoneal dialysis further is divided into two types for which you might have to come at least 5 times a day.
5. Life expectancy
If there has been kidney failure, you may either undergo dialysis for a lifetime or have to get a transplant of the kidney done. Usually, a person that undergoes such treatment can live up to 10 years and if lucky it can be 20 years or more as well.
6. A versatile treatment
Dialysis treatment is way more versatile than you think. That is why, if you find it hectic to appear at the clinic, you can simply carry out the process at your home as well. Patients and the supporting person need to learn the process properly to get it done well. It takes around four to six weeks of training. You can do CAPD on your own at home or even at work.
7. Who needs it the most?
Not every person would be advised with such type of treatment. Rather it is suggested to the patients who have renal failure and are not ready for a kidney transplant. Also, such treatment is also advised to the person having other conditions like lupus, BP, or diabetes that must have affected the kidney. Patients undergoing dialysis treatment must get health to ensure first so that it can cover 80% of the cost, making the process affordable.
8. Patients can easily manage the associated risks
One of the crucial risks of this treatment is the blood clot that can be noticed in the vascular area. If this happens, the doctor may have to remove the clot. If not done appropriately, you may face many of the worst side effects that you need to be worried about.
The healthcare experts will teach you how to deal with such problems to carry out the treatment effectively.
Summing up!!
Dialysis is a crucial treatment suggested for kidney patients and hence, one must know every in and out of the same to manage the risks. Your healthcare expert would advise it if you have lost more than 85% of the regular functioning of the kidney.
Whether you will carry out the process at home or at the hospital, make sure you know this treatment option well to avoid any further hassle. Find the best dialysis center near me, consult with the doctors, and carry out the procedure successfully.